京都大学 植物病理学研究室
Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Kyoto University

2021.6.29. We have published a paper as shown below.

2021.6.29. We have published a paper as shown below.

Iwakawa HO, Lam AYW, Mine A, Fujita T, Kiyokawa K, Yoshikawa M, Takeda A, Iwasaki S, Tomari Y. Ribosome stalling caused by the Argonaute-microRNA-SGS3 complex regulates the production of secondary siRNAs in plants. (2021) Cell Reports, 35:109300

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Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Graduate School of Agriculture,
Kyoto University
Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
TEL: +81-75-753-6131
FAX: +81-75-753-6133